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Chare'A Smith

8 Tips for Technology Wellness.

Updated: May 3, 2023

Practice being Present with 8 Tips for Technology Wellness.

Technology is a wonderful tool that can make our lives easier and provide innumerable opportunities. It can be used as a way to connect, engage, and network with people from all over. It is so easy to get caught up spending time switching from app to app each day for minutes or hours at a time. There are so many things to watch and read and we can access it so easily at our finger tips.

Often times we can find ourselves checking our phones more out of habit than the need to actually check our devices. We also are increasingly spending more time using computers and technology for work and business. With hybrid and remote work becoming increasingly popular for companies, There are some careers that involve us to look at our digital screens for 6- 8 hours a day. This can result in adults spending an increased amount of time with our technology instead of truly being present in the world.

Research shows that Increased screen time with low physical activity can have an impact on our wellbeing. (1, 2) Spending time on our phones as adults can also be a form of escapism from the realities of the world for a bit. Our phones can serve as a crutch in public spaces where we may feel uncomfortable or experience social anxiety in rooms of people. Long periods of screen time with low physical activity have also been associated with poor mental health outcomes such as depression and increased anxiety. (3,4)

How to Practice being Present with technology wellness:

1. Set an attainable goal for how much screen time you want to a lot each day.

Don't look at your screen time and judge yourself based on how much screen time that you use. Remember, technology is a helpful tool in our lives! Many of us have increased screen time usage due to work or other reasons. The goal is simply to use our screen time more intentionally.

2. Spend more time Meditating

Meditation is an important habit to increase our mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Cultivate your meditation practice daily to take good care of yourself. At Ye Self Care we value meditation and breath work practices that root us in the present moment and nourish us holistically.

3. Practice Yoga

Increasing your physical activity can help reduce the harmful effects of a lot of screen time. (1,2,4) A regular Yoga practice offers increased physical and mental health benefits. There are many scientific health benefits from a consistent yoga practice such as reducing anxiety, boosting metabolism, increasing focus, and SO MUCH MORE. That's why at Ye Self Care we advocate for yoga as a movement practice for your total health.

Join us for our wellness classes and workshops to practice with the best and take your practice to new levels.

4. Take wellness breaks between working.

Taking time away from your screen to stand, stretch, or take a walk can help alleviate the harmful effects of being sedentary for too long while looking at a screen.

5. Sleep with the phone out of the bed.

Sleeping with the phone in the bed can cause you to spend more time scrolling on your phone. This can lead you have to having trouble falling asleep or calming down. It is also easier to be tempted to wake up and check your phone first thing in the morning. We recommend purchasing an actual alarm clock to keep you from having the phone near you as you sleep.

6. Start a morning routine.

Set consistent morning habits to prevent you from reaching for your phone first thing in the morning. Starting your day looking at news, social media, and world events can leave you feeling down energetically. Start the day setting your own intentions instead of letting the current events on your phone dictate your energy for you.

7. Turn off notifications

Constant notifications from emails, texts, instagram, and more will tempt you to be on your phone. You may start simply answering a text but somehow find yourself checking your newsfeed. Set down time during each day to turn off your notifications and be present in your own life. Sometimes we may feel that we will "miss out" on something by not being available on our devices. However, you are never missing out on anything when you are taking time to take care of yourself.

8. Do activities that don't require your device.

Technology is constantly changing so our wellness habits must change with it. Let's take good care while we take advantage of the many positive things that technology brings to our lives.

Email us to learn more about practicing technology wellness!

Research Citations:

  • 1. LeBlanc, Allana G.1; Gunnell, Katie E.2; Prince, Stephanie A.1; Saunders, Travis J.3; Barnes, Joel D.2; Chaput, Jean-Philippe2. The Ubiquity of the Screen: An Overview of the Risks and Benefits of Screen Time in Our Modern World. Translational Journal of the ACSM 2(17):p 104-113, September 1, 2017. | DOI: 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000039

  • 2. Hamer M, Stamatakis E, Mishra GD. Television- and screen-based activity and mental well-being in adults. Am J Prev Med. 2010;38:375–80.

  • 3. Strawbridge W.J. Deleger S. Roberts R.E. Kaplan G.A. Physical activity reduces the risk of subsequent depression for older adults.Am J Epidemiol.2002; 156: 328-334

  • 4. Associations of physical activity and screen-time on health related quality of life in adults,Preventive Medicine,Volume 55, Issue 1,2012,Pages 46-49,ISSN 0091-7435,


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