Networking can get you places that you could only imagine. However, so many people can't imagine themselves networking to receive all the benefits it can offer because the thought alone makes them uncomfortable. Networking can make even the most confident nervous or have some anxiety and stress. Networking doesn't always have to be a nerve wracking thing though!
Here's some tips for networking confidently.
Focus on Confident Thoughts
It can be easy for some feelings of self doubt to creep into your mind as your networking event approaches. Create some affirmations, repeat them to yourself, and believe the things that you speak. Avoid negative self talk that can prevent you from showing up as your full confident self. Constantly re-wire your thoughts to believe in positive outcomes. Remember, you are your biggest encourager!
Practice mindfulness before and after
Incorporating meditation into your routine can help you find calm during moments of stress. Start your day with meditation to clear your mind BEFORE your next networking opportunity. This will allow you to feel centered and shift your perspective so that you show up calm and collected even when you are a little nervous. Then, set a time to wind down and meditate AFTER your networking event. This is crucial because after interacting with so many different people and stepping outside of your comfort zone you will need to re-center yourself with your meditation practice. Meditate consistently for results!
Set Clear Goals
Get clear about your purpose of networking in the first place. Remind yourself that you are here to grow professionally and make valuable connections. There is power in your WHY.
Work on your Personal Introduction
Grab a friend or look in the mirror and practice introducing yourself. Make eye contact, give firm handshakes, and be confident talking about who you are and what you do. You are the expert on all things YOU so you don't have to be nervous about talking about your endeavors. Make sure you listen attentively to the other persons introduction as well.
Make a List of Questions Beforehand
Avoid a pause in conversation by having questions that you can ask the people you connect with. What are some topics that you want to make sure you connect with people about? Networking isn't always about talking about business and work related topics either. Make organic connections with others that also focus on life outside of work as well. You don't have to get super personal at all, but talking about life outside of work can help ease the tension and create organic flowing conversations between people. These genuine types of connections are long lasting and produce the most fruitful work opportunities.
Networking with confidence is a skill that many people fail to develop. To enhance your networking skills and develop yourself personally book a coaching session with Ye Self Care. We also curate internal development workshops for companies and organizations. Visit for more.